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Config Schema#

Dagster includes a system for defining the schema that configuration values must abide by.

Relevant APIs#

ConfigSchemaDescription of the API method


While the example above uses simple scalar config values, the config system supports structured types allowing for complex configuration. These are documented in the API section with examples.

Notable entries include:

  • Field - the basic building block
  • Shape - for well defined dictionaries
  • Permissive - for allowing untyped dictionaries
  • Selector - to allow choosing one of N
  • StringSource - to allow loading from environment
  • Enum - for choosing from a well defined set of values

Specifying Config Schema#

The most common objects to specify ConfigSchema for are SolidDefinition and ResourceDefinition.

The following simple example shows how config_schema can be used on a solid to control its behavior:

from dagster import Field, execute_pipeline, pipeline, solid

        # can just use the expected type as short hand
        "iterations": int,
        # otherwise use Field for optionality, defaults, and descriptions
        "word": Field(str, is_required=False, default_value="hello"),
def config_example_solid(context):
    for _ in range(context.solid_config["iterations"]):

def config_example_pipeline():

def run_bad_example():
    # This run will fail to start since there is required config not provided
    return execute_pipeline(config_example_pipeline, run_config={})

def run_other_bad_example():
    # This will also fail to start since iterations is the wrong type
        run_config={"solids": {"config_example_solid": {"config": {"iterations": "banana"}}}},

def run_good_example():
    return execute_pipeline(
        run_config={"solids": {"config_example_solid": {"config": {"iterations": 1}}}},


TODO convert example code from _apidocs/config#dagster.Field to docs_snippet