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PostgreSQL (dagster_postgres)

class dagster_postgres.PostgresEventLogStorage(postgres_url, inst_data=None)[source]

Postgres-backed event log storage.

Users should not directly instantiate this class; it is instantiated by internal machinery when dagit and dagster-graphql load, based on the values in the dagster.yaml file in $DAGSTER_HOME. Configuration of this class should be done by setting values in that file.

To use Postgres for event log storage, you can add a block such as the following to your dagster.yaml:

Note that the fields in this config are StringSource and IntSource and can be configured from environment variables.

class dagster_postgres.PostgresRunStorage(postgres_url, inst_data=None)[source]

Postgres-backed run storage.

Users should not directly instantiate this class; it is instantiated by internal machinery when dagit and dagster-graphql load, based on the values in the dagster.yaml file in $DAGSTER_HOME. Configuration of this class should be done by setting values in that file.

To use Postgres for run storage, you can add a block such as the following to your dagster.yaml:

Note that the fields in this config are StringSource and IntSource and can be configured from environment variables.

class dagster_postgres.PostgresScheduleStorage(postgres_url, inst_data=None)[source]

Postgres-backed run storage.

Users should not directly instantiate this class; it is instantiated by internal machinery when dagit and dagster-graphql load, based on the values in the dagster.yaml file in $DAGSTER_HOME. Configuration of this class should be done by setting values in that file.

To use Postgres for schedule storage, you can add a block such as the following to your dagster.yaml:

Note that the fields in this config are StringSource and IntSource and can be configured from environment variables.