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PagerDuty (dagster_pagerduty)

This library provides an integration with PagerDuty, to support creating alerts from your Dagster code.

Presently, it provides a thin wrapper on the Events V2 API.

Getting Started

You can install this library with:

pip install dagster_pagerduty

To use this integration, you’ll first need to create a PagerDuty integration. There are instructions here for creating a new PagerDuty service & integration.

As noted in the PagerDuty documentation, you’ll find an integration key (also referred to as a “routing key”) on the Integrations tab for your new service. This key is used to authorize events created from the PagerDuty events API.

Once your service/integration is created, you can provision a PagerDuty resource and issue PagerDuty alerts from within your solids.